Our Services

Forthside, north-west Tasmania

Forthside, north-west Tasmania

Research trials

We are experts in conducting small plot trials on agronomic issues in Tasmania. We can conduct field, pot and laboratory trials on all crops that are grown throughout Tasmania, such as perennial fruit crops (including grapes, apples and cherries) , berries, cereals, canola, fresh market and processing vegetables (including potatoes, brassicas, carrots, onions, cucurbits, peas, green beans and leafy vegetables), pasture, forestry, poppies and pyrethrum. We have 60 years’ of combined experience, local knowledge and extensive links to industry, and aim to provide the best possible outcomes for our clients.

Systemic downy mildew on poppy

Systemic downy mildew on poppy

Plant Pathology Services

We provide plant pathology services such as plant diagnostics, plant nematode tests, seed testing, soil testing and plant health inspection for quality control. In our laboratory, we can also produce fungal inoculum for research trials.

Black scurf on potato

Black scurf on potato

Project Management

We can assist you in developing protocols or projects for product evaluation, development and registration. We can also assist agribusiness in researching and developing practical solutions to agronomic problems.

Cabbage aphids on canola

Cabbage aphids on canola